Website | meetslavicgirls.com |
Dominant Members Age | 25-36 |
Mobile Friendly | Yes |
Female Rate | 60% |
Price | $3.99 |
MeetSlavicGirls is the perfect dating venue with approximately 0 registered members in 2019. Site domain was created in , the website succeeds in attracting more and more visitors, and the number of monthly online users hence some online services is almost equal to 0. The gender mix is also pleasant: women prevail over men - 60%:40% correspondingly. The overall rating of the platform in our personal opinion is 4.17 of 5, which we explained by moderate starting price from $3.99, mobile friendly interface and friendly support 24/7.
All these features of MeetSlavicGirls make it extremely popular among the users of 25-36 who prefer dating with older guys. Be the one who would give a vote to the MeetSlavicGirls for being satisfied with its services!
Main Features
- Slavic women from Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, and other Eastern European countries
- Credit-based payment system
- It takes only about 10 minutes to create a detailed profile with photos
- Opportunity to leverage live and video chats, as well as phone calls
- Well-thought-out profiles with background information and photos
- User-friendly interface and easy navigation
Pros & Cons
- The more credits you purchase, the lower the price for 1 credit
- All profiles go through strict verification procedures
- Advanced search allows finding a woman who’ll perfectly match your preferences
- Opportunity to send emails or communicate in chats
- CamShare feature allows seeing girls when communicating with them
- Men can schedule calls with women to chat with them in real time
- It’s easy to send gifts and flowers to ladies
- Only credit card payment method is available
- Most communication features are paid
- Constant pop-ups are quite annoying